It was then that the most inevitable had happened. Aziz was informed that the RR detachment on the right flank had abandoned the gun position. Without any delay he rushed there and found his silent recoilless rifle standing unmanned. It was mounted on jeep where the driver was also missing. Aziz got himself behind the steering wheel and as he started moving back to his command post, enemy tried a direct hit on the jeep. The jeep rolled down along the slope of the river and stopped half way. Luckily no damage was done. Aziz began to drive back. It was here that he found some of his men from the right flank running in panic. They said that enemy a platoon strong had crossed the river and landed at Kadamtali. Aziz was unable to get his men back to their position. As he reached his command post, news of a similar crossing on his western flank had also reached him. It was now clear to him that he was on the verge of being encircled by the enemy. The apprehension of Limayya was coming true. If only Aziz could appreciate in time the situation could have been different. However he could not help it. He did not have enough troops.
By evening he had to fall back to Lala Bazar where he collected all his men before finally falling back on Sherpur-Shakipur line.
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